Commercial Partners
Calvary Industries, Inc.

Ecosil has been working with Calvary Industries since 2007. Calvary manufactures and sells a complete range of process chemicals and lubricants to a wide range of manufacturing industries in the United States. Based on their superior manufacturing and quality control processes they also manufacture surface treatment products for Ecosil. Calvary Industries is conveniently located less than 5 miles from Ecosil in Fairfield, Ohio. Calvary has been a chemical compounding supplier since 1983 with three manufacturing facilities with a total of 300,000 sq. feet of manufacturing and warehouse space. Their technical sales team is supported by experienced production staff and chemists with fully equipped laboratories. Calvary has an ISO 9001: 2015 quality registration to provide a total quality program throughout their processes.
Testimonial from Chris Berger, Vice President, Calvary Industries:
Calvary has worked with Ecosil in the sale of pretreatment products for over 10 years. We have developed a strong relationship of trust and confidence with Ecosil during that time. We have experienced significant growth in the sale of products manufactured by us for Ecosil. Ecosil is a responsive partner that understands our needs and the pretreatment and passivation markets. Ecosil is a great commercial partner for Calvary to have.

Calvary Industries, Inc.
9233 Seward Road
Fairfield, OH 45014. tel +1 (513) 874-1113. fax +1 (513) 860-6184.
Joint Venture - Shanghai Xingyu-Ecosil Surface Material Co. Ltd
Ecosil introduced its pretreatment and passivation technology into the Chinese market in 2006, and extended its presence in Asia by partnering with Qidong Xingyu Chemical Industry Company Ltd., a company that has been in operation for over 30 years. This relationship is a joint venture named Shanghai Xingyu Ecosil Surface Material Co. Ltd. with the purpose of providing advanced passivation and pretreatment technology to the Chinese industrial markets. Shanghai based Xingyu-Ecosil has established manufacturing and research and development facilities with 15,000 square meters of laboratory and production space in Shanghai to assure the highest level of customer service in addition to advanced formulations in the Chinese market. Chinese industrial and regulatory agencies are increasingly focused on environmental safety in their manufacturing facilities and are actively seeking chrome and phosphate free technology for metal surface treatment applications.

Xingyu Ecosil Surface Materials Co. Ltd.
2368 Mei Xing Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai, 201906, China
Phone: 021-56188868
Innovation Partners
Ecosil and founder Wim Vanoiij have a long and successful relationship with research funding organizations within the federal government. Funding through grant awards and research contracts have been invaluable to the company in developing our current products and in advancing our knowledge about corrosion resistant coatings. Research projects have generally been conducting under the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program. A number of these have been Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) programs conducted jointly with universities including the University of Cincinnati and the research institute at the University of Dayton. Funding agencies include the National Science Foundation (NSF) and various branches of the US Department of Defense. In addition to SBIR, funding mechanisms include multiple agency Strategic Environmental Research and Development programs (SERDP) and DOD technology demonstration projects under the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP).
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Multiple product development and demonstration projects have executed by Ecosil with funding from the NSF. This included development of a major breakthrough metal pretreament product through Phases 1, 2, 2B and commercialization resulting in over $3 million of product sales.
University of Cincinnati (UC)
Collaboration on research topics and a commercialization partnership through licenses and patent assignments
University of Dayton Research Institute (UDRI)
Joint project proposals and contracting relationship
US Department of Defense (US DOD)
Successfully completed programs with SERDP, Air Force, Navy, and Missile Defense SBIR programs.
Industrial Coatings Companies and End Users
Ecosil has worked with the following industrial coating and chemical companies:
- PPG joint development project leading to patented coating solution, contract research, product sales
- Sherwin Williams joint research project
- Valspar contract research and collaboration on SBIR program
- Calvary Industries commercialization collaboration, SBIR collaboration, product sales, product licensing
- Dupont joint research and development
- Dow collaborative research into silane optimization for pretreatment
- Corus/Tata funded research and development
- American Standard funded research and collaboration on product improvement
- Cooper Tire and Rubber Joint Development
- Tokusen USA Joint Development
- Xingyu joint venture and funded research
- Sun Chemical collaborative research
- Shephard Color collaborative research